October 17, 2006
Daniel Nardicio Goes (Even More) Underground
Steve Weinstein READ TIME: 3 MIN.
If New York City has declared war on nightlife, then Daniel Nardicio is a one-man insurrection.
The notorious party promoter has refused to surrender. Instead, he is taking his parties underground. Nardicio's stomping ground is the Lower East Side of Manhattan, south of 14th Street, east of the Broadway. His parties at the old Slide (in the basement of the Marquee, on Bowery just around the corner from B Bar) have become the stuff of legend.
Everyone-boys, girls, journalists, visitors-had to strip down to his (or her) underwear. The result was a surprisingly attitude-free party. Maybe it was the old saw that naked opposing armies wouldn't know who was the enemy. Or maybe it was the frenetic music, the anything-goes vibe or the Weimer Berlin atmosphere of the dank, below-stairs club. But the parties produced that infrequent serendipity of an only-in-New-York mix of muscle daddies, trolls, twinks, Chelsea boys and East Village punksturs. Yes, there was sex, but it was more of the near-innocent of Boy Scouts around the fire than serious backroom raunch.
Unfortunately, the parties were a little too successful. The crowding attracted the notice of city agencies. Nardicio would be the last person to argue that his parties did not contribute to the downfall of the Slide. But he would add that he didn't go down without a fit, even if the club's owners caved in.
Now, after stints at Bank and some other local venues, Nardicio has moved the party underground. His occasional events are publicized only by a phone number.
"I can still get venues but not to get consistently," he says. "But other promoters talk and the owners get nervous." He became disillusioned with all of the security hassles imposed on him by skittish club owners: "I don't want to deal with five security guards. It makes me feel like I'm going through Heathrow."
The always-outspoken freely admits that he believes the city's crackdown on underage drinking is an unjustified witch hunt. "In Europe, it's acceptable for a 16 year old to drink," he says. "Here, they're horrified for a 20 year old to drink."
He expresses a "huge frustration with clubs. When I go out now, it's not fun because the presence of security." He admits to looking back nostalgically at the Slide, "a place where anything could happen."
Unlike the Slide parties, the new parties are only underwear-optional. "Underwear parties are really specific," he says. "Some people get naked, some don't take their clothes off at all."
At his most recent event, which took place on the eve of Columbus Day on the edge of Chinatown, some people were wearing underwear, some nothing at all. The go-go boys were in various states of arousal, thanks to the patrons. The open bar helped lubricate the goings-on.
By all accounts, the event was a success, with crowds mobbing the two rooms of what operates as a photography studio during the day. Nardicio already has Thanksgiving booked and New Year's Eve.
Nardicio hasn't given up completely on the regular club scene. He just did a Country and Western party with Sweetie (who manned-operative word-the door to his outlaw party in his man drag) at Otto's Shrunken Head, a straight dive bar on East 14th Street and Avenue B. He's also promoting his parties and producing his wild Saturday night Internet radio program on www.Dlist.com.
However the current imbroglio between club owners and the city resolves itself, Nardicio intends to keep the party going-aboveground or below.
UPDATE: If you want to join Daniel Nardicio's disgusting, filthy underworld of perversion, now's your chance! TWO upcoming events:
2). Rotation Special Halloween Underwear Party and Porn Star Birthday Bash: Thursday, October 26th: Daniel Nardicio gives you porn stud Owen Hawks Birthday Bash at Kevin Graves Rotation, a dance oriented event at the luscious Sullivan Room- each week with rotating Dj's-this week it's DJ's Nita Aviance Djs Will and DJ Sted-E- so come dance with a cross section of NYC's cutest guys and see Nardicio's dirty dancin' porn go-go studs. Clothescheck mandatory Go to 3.) Outlaw East: Sunday Oct 29th" target="_blank"> Nothing more frightening than a vagina! Burlesque and performance queen Julie Atlas Muz turns it out with another of her Halloween extravaganzas with the acidic Bianca Del Rio as hostess of this den of iniquity, and dirty filthy go-go hipster go-go. With your DJ Jon Jon Battles. Plus, illegal disco dancing by The World Famous *BOB*! $5 all night
(Julie Atlas Muz pic)
At Supreme Trade Company, 218 North 8th (btw Driggs and Roebling 3 blocks from Bedford L Train in Billyburg)
Steve Weinstein has been a regular correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, the Advocate, the Village Voice and Out. He has been covering the AIDS crisis since the early '80s, when he began his career. He is the author of "The Q Guide to Fire Island" (Alyson, 2007).